Over 250,000 monthly readers (and growing daily)
25- 31: 34%
32-43: 33%
45-55: 22%
55+: 11%
Male: 42%
Female: 52%
Chosen other: 8%
Lifestyle Preferences
Travelers, foodies, wine and cocktail lovers
People who love movies and pop culture
Festival / concert audience
Made a major purchase over $15,000 in the past 12 months (car, house, appliance): 22% yes
Planning a major purchase over $15,000 in the past 12 months (car, house, appliance): 71% yes
Will travel more than 3 hours for show / festival / event: 64% yes
Spent over $5,000 on pleasure travel in the past 12 months: 82% yes
Spent over $100 per person on a night out (concert, dining): 62% yes
Schedules a “night out” weekly: 47%
Schedules a “night out” monthly: 91%
People who shop based on having world-class experiences whether it’s local to them or they’re vacationing around the world.
*All data taken from quiz – July 2022. All recipients entered with chance to win gift cards.